STE Academy® Presents…
The Sky to Earth Journey
Before infiltration, the Ancients (Original People) knew, held and embodied a higher living knowledge, revealed clearly through their sophisticated moiety, or subsection systems, that extended to all levels of existence. This system, also referred to by some tribes as the Skin or Kin System, was an infinite, supersensible web that not only weaved the intimate relationships of all that is together, within the All, but also provided a map and set of principles that, when lived by, maintained balance not just within the tribe, physically, mentally and spiritually, but also balance on the land they were given custodianship.
Through my own journey and deep listening, I have began to piece together the wisdom of ancient texts, renowned philosophers and teachers, as well as higher level concepts of the western world including from many thought leaders in the field of psychology, sociology, philosophy and history, with what was always known and aligned to by the Original People. In fact, this Original Truth, aligned to an intelligence beyond this physical world, was the missing key for me to uncover occult truths, but also a deeper understanding of my own psychology, purpose, and connection to the natural world.
Today, all that our ancestors once knew and lived by has been forgotten, inverted, reduced, compartmentalised, diluted, segmented and all but destroyed. A tiny scattering of the remains found its way into the modern world under the guise of Astrology, as well as other alchemical and esoteric philosophies. Before the infiltration, however, these superstructures of the highest philosophical order existed in every region of Australia for over 150 thousands years. It was not the Astrology that we know today, and it reached beyond the Sky Country, down to the Earth. It was, and still is, a natural order - Natural Law.
“Whoever can learn to reduce impurity into purity, multiplicity into simplicity, and also discernibly know nature, virtue, and strength in number, and degree and order without dividing substance, will easily posses the knowledge of all natural things.” This is the way of the Original People, of the ancients. Join the journey, following the keys, drawing from ancient philosophies, Traditional and Hellenistic Astrology, Natural Law Principles and the First Dreaming, to recover the truth, and de-occult the occult, from Sky to Earth.
“Sky to Earth is not an astrology course, it’s a life changing journey that connects you back to your Spirit, and the inarguable truth of all things. The interweaving of Astrology, connection to Spirit, and the principles of Natural Law is done in a way that simply cannot be experience anywhere else. Madeleine has introduced traditional astrology in such a clear, grounding way that clearly conveys ancient wisdom that has cultivated over many years! Madeleine truly understands nature’s rhythm, it’s palpable through her work with the wisdom she shares. Receiving this wisdom and applying it has completely transformed my life, and it has rippled out through my work with clients. I now consider myself permanently enrolled into Sky to Earth for as long as it runs, because each round of the journey weaves into the last round, and brings even more wisdom and clarity to what is being taught. I couldn’t be more thankful for this journey!”
— Sophia (STE I, II & III)
Thanks for another incredible journey. I enjoy being in your presence so much and you have really helped me pave the way forward in my own life and I am finally starting to see what I’ve been building with all this information I’ve been learning! So excited for the next journey.︎ Count me in of course!
— Rayanne (STE I, II & III)