THE 7 WEEK JOURNEY SKY TO EARTH Name * First Name Last Name Email * Natural Law & Astrological Understanding To allow me to cater for everyone who joins this journey, choose the option which best describes your level of understanding: Basic Dabbler Intermediate Advanced What interests you the most about this journey? Joining the journey of uncovering the occult (hidden) knowledge Developing my understanding of Natural Law Principles Discovering a deeper layer of the Original Truth Developing a more conscious understanding of the nature of reality and world events Learning how to interpret my own / others Natal Chart Learning how to apply Natural Law Principles & Astrological knowledge to my life Uncovering my true purpose as a Spirit Developing a deeper connection with Spirit and the natural world Learning ancient stories from Australia & New Zealand Connecting with others interested in these topics Other (please share below): Other: When will you feel ready to begin the journey? Straight away Next month In a few months Start of the Astrological New Year Thank you! I will be in touch with more information in the next few weeks.